Holy Cross Catholic School in Portland, Oregon

Why have a boring school website when you use a website to colorfully show off the joy, community, and mission of your school — and still communicate all the little details that a school website needs to communicate?

That’s what Holy Cross Catholic School in Portland, Oregon decided to do.  Check it out at www.holycrosspdx.org.

Holy Cross Catholic School in Portland, Oregon

Holy Cross Catholic School in Portland, Oregon

With their fully updatable website, Holy Cross Catholic School can communicate about admissions, events, news and more.  But they didn’t stop there.  They have photo galleries, a photo-rich page about each classroom, and info about alumni, activities, music, sports and more.

Plus they are using facebook to keep in touch with their families.  You can see their facebook page here:  http://www.facebook.com/holycrosscatholicschool.
